Talking with Lauren (the short one) about how I needed her to keep all the very young kids interested. As you'll see later, she did a great job. |
Lil Girl has a walker, which you can just barely make out in this picture. Meze was a great help, even in simple tasks like this one. |
I'm so so lucky that I get to hang out with Belaynesh everyday and have Sarah a short, 2-hour busride down the road. |
Always laughing these two. The best laughs. |
I'm including all of the next few pictures so you can admire Dinqo in his dope suit jacket. |
The kids loved him. |
Just look at all these kids. |
Dinqo can't even count or see all the kids who speak Oromiffa. |
Dara, admiring my terrible facial hair. Dara came from a couple hours away and from what I could tell led the most entertaining of all the sessions. |
We all look on, approvingly. I lost my sunglasses a few months ago. |
Mezemir, inspiring hundreds of children with mere words. |
This is pretty much everyone who was at the festival. Except for some people who were preparing... |
Gabby is a true artist. Jay is stunned into silence. |
Look at those smiles! |
Look at these cute grade 1 and grade 2 students, not even on the edge of their seats for Lauren's drawing lesson. |
My mom sent me several packages of colored pencils. Glad they got put to good use. |
Alemtsehay (middle) and Yinenesh (left) volunteered to help Lauren keep the kids under control. Maybe they learned a little something themselves. |
A student showing off his tiny book! |
Belaynesh checking out tiny books. Male students checking out the photographer. (It wasn't me, it was my pal D(eShantell)) |
Belaynesh also made the rounds, helping with whatever needed help with. Also, look at that neat sign! |
Out of one room and into another! |
I like this message. We ended up focusing a lot on writing for this festival. Hopefully, they'll be reading after I leave. |
Just keep painting! |
I can pretty much guarantee this was Dara's session. She's a rockstar. She'd be the first one to tell you that we were all rockstars that day. |
Pooped after a long day. |
Happy with their work. |
The painters in front of their hard work! |
Dara, stop. |
Bereket showed literally everyone in the room his cloth book that he made. I see you, D. |
D showing off the beautiful scarves they gave each of the volunteers! |
Dara, just stop it. |
Me, looking dopey. Belaynesh probably saying "Ohhhh!" in that way she does. |
This picture. This picture forever. |
Bereket, I guess, got a front row seat to the secret ceremony. Other kids had to stand at the door. |
The final (though not final-final, words must still be added) product. |
Oh, that guy in the middle is Addisu. He's a relatively (like 6 months) new director. Kedir is on the far right and he is an English speaking machine. He helped out Sarah with some of the older kids. |
Look at all of us. We're so happy! |
Some stragglers. I guess they didn't wanna leave. |
This is a great job that is one of what peace corps Ethiopia is doing in this country! We are thankful Ben and all your team!